Jan 6, 2023

Emerald Jewelry

Emerald Jewelry

Emerald is a green gemstone — the green variety of the mineral Beryl — while the blue type is Aquamarine. Emerald crystals are hexagonal and at least 20 times rarer than diamonds, which may come as a surprise. Although the green stones are more exceptional, you can still buy the finest grades of emerald for about same per-carat price as diamonds.

Mostly mined in Colombia, Brazil and Zambia, the green version of Beryl is rare in fine grades of any size. Colombian emeralds are often more expensive compared to gems found elsewhere in the world because of their color. They are a pure green because of chromium elements, while Brazilian emeralds get their color from vanadium and have a slight grey or brown tone. Zambian emeralds appear bluer thanks to trace amounts of iron compared to Colombia’s pure green.

Emerald jewelry in Austin, Texas from Diamonds Above is often purchased to celebrate 20th and 35th wedding anniversaries. Emeralds are also the birthstone for the month of May.

Grading of Emeralds

If you are looking for an emerald earring in Austin, TX, we grade the gemstones on four factors — color, cut, clarity and carat weight. Color is often the most significant factor because it establishes the value and quality of a natural gemstone.


We base color grading on three categories of hue, saturation and tonal grade. Hue is the type of green color an emerald upholds, ranging from bluish, yellowish or deep green. Saturation is what gives the gemstones color intensity. When the color is even throughout the stone and is transparent, it’s more prized. Saturation can range from very dull colors to vivid green.

Tonal grade establishes the degree of lightness or darkness of green from very light to medium. While higher quality emeralds will range between medium and very dark, natural emeralds have a variety of tones. Most jewels on the market are Colombian gems that give off a bluish green color.


The cut of an emerald depends on the price and quality of the stone. A cutter designs the gem to minimize fractures and make them durable even though they are more brittle than other stones. The cut must also maximize the emerald’s color, and the cutter must orient it the right way to enhance the bluish-green tones.


Emerald clarity describes what the gem looks like on the inside. Almost all emerald stones have small sections of gas, other minerals or crystals and liquids — known as inclusions — which they take on during crystallization. Inclusions have a mossy appearance, but if they have adverse effects on the clarity and transparency of emerald, it reduces the value. Types include:

  • Type 1 — inclusion-free
  • Type 2 — inclusions often included
  • Type 3 — inclusions almost always included

Inclusions are standard, but too many will make an emerald look like a crystal. An excessive amount of additions can also compromise durability and lower the stone’s value if too close to the surface.

Carat Weight

If you are searching for an emerald necklace in Austin, TX, Diamonds Above can help you determine carat weight. Carat weight is relevant to the size, where the smallest range from one millimeter to five millimeters, while one- to five-carat stones are common for center stones. The more esteemed gems can weigh more than 20 carats.

Emerald Grading Scales

At Diamonds Above, we place our emeralds into three categories — Natural AAA, AA and A. Natural AAA expresses high quality and is the best category, with vibrant green and high brilliance stones. AA is the second best with medium green emeralds and accounts for most of the gemstones offered as emerald engagement rings in Austin, Texas. Natural A is the lowest quality of stones with dark green, heavily included and opaque characteristics.

Emerald Jewels at Diamonds Above

As the best emerald jewelry company in Austin, we offer you high-quality emeralds whether you want an emerald necklace, ring or earrings. Call (512) 206-4156 or fill out our contact form to learn more.

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